Loan Rates Rates are subject to change. Loans are subject to credit approval, certain restrictions apply. For information on accounts, check holds, Truth-in-Savings and other disclosures please check your Member Accounts Agreement Booklet that you received at account opening or call and request one to be mailed to you. All savings/deposit accounts at Nova CU are insured up to $250,000 by the NCUA.
Loan Rates Loan Type APR* New and Used Vehicle Loans (includes Motorcycles, Jet Ski and RV's) 5.99% – 16.00% Personal Loans Rates will vary, please call for details Co-Maker Loans 16.00% VISA Classic Credit Card as low as 10.90% VISA Credit Card as low as 9.90% Variable and Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loans Rates will vary, please call for details Home Equity Lines of Credit Rates will vary, please call for details Switch & Ditch Re-Fi Promo Rates will vary, please call for details
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates and terms may change without notice. Certificate rates may change weekly and without notice. You will receive a quarterly statement showing any and all transactions made on your accounts. The above rates are variable and are subject to change after the account has been opened. The APY is based on the assumption that minimum balance and other requirements will be met. A penalty will or may be imposed for early withdrawal on specific accounts. Any fees applied to the accounts can reduce the earnings on the accounts. Your statement will show the actual Annual Percentage Yield Earned (APYE). This may be different from the APY if the actual conditions are different from the above assumptions. Please check your Member Services Agreement Booklet for additional terms and conditions. For more information on Accounts, Overdrafts, Funds Availability, Check Holds, Electronic Fund Transfers, and Truth-in-Savings please refer to your Membership Accounts Agreement Booklet that you received at account opening. If you would like a copy of the Membership Accounts Agreement Booklet please contact Nova CU and we will mail you a copy.
**Promotional offers (such as Switch & Ditch, Holiday Loans, etc.) cannot be combined with any other offer. Special requirements may apply.
30 year fixed mortgage payment example: 360 payments of $665.30 per $100,000 borrowed based upon a 7.00% APR. 15 year fixed mortgage payment example: 180 payments of $884.91 per $100,000 borrowed based upon a 6.75% APR.